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I'm Kat, Please enjoy my blog, and leave me a lot of comments!!!!
If you have any questions or ideas for future blogs, comment me and tell me!! =) Thanks!!

"My body isn't perfect. I don't walk with confidence. I get into fights with my parents and friends. Some nights I'd rather be by myself than out partying. I cry over the smallest things sometimes. There are days that I get through forced smiles and fake laughs. Sometimes I try to convince myself that things are okay when they're not. I'm not ugly but I'm not beautiful. I don't look as good in real life as I do in pictures. There are some nights that I cry myself to sleep. I constantly think I'm not good enough. I'm imperfect, but I'm perfectly me."

Friday, August 30, 2013

Olivia Virginia Stanley

Olivia Virginia Stanley,
Born May 9th 2013
Weight 6lbs 5oz
Length 18in

!!!!SHE'S HERE!!!!

So happy to be with my baby girl, she is simply AMAZING!!!
At first, she was easy to worry about, because she was so tiny, but she's doing wonderful now. 
When Olivia was born, she lost a lot of weight, she went down to 5'll and stayed there for quite some time it was hard for me when they told me I needed to quit breastfeeding because she wasn't getting the fatty protein she needed (come to find out it wasn't anything to do with my breast milk).

When i was younger, I always told myself I would never have any children. I didn't want any at all... Simply because of the way I was raised, I didn't want to put anyone through that, knowing what I did. But, now, I couldn't imagine my life without them. Michael is loving being a big brother and he is wonderful at it. 

SISSY BUG!! - Michael's nickname for her.

We love our little girl, I couldn't imagine what else could have ever completed our family... But she truly does complete my life. Just wanted to let everyone know that she is finally here!!!

As always, thanks to all of you who are reading this, I will post AS SOON AS I CAN!!!


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