A message I received this morning. <3
"Its rather funny as to how things happen. I added you as a friend and have sat on the side line watching you progress into the lifestyle. At first, just like most, I figured you were just young and playing around but have really noticed a change in you for the better. I love that you are growing into your role and are opening up within the lifestyle. As most Dominants, we sit and observe before we get involved. We have seen the changes in you for the better and wanted to give you a big Congrats on this improvement. We love how you have opened up and exposed your beautiful ,sensual self to everyone through your pictures. Keep it up and when in need of assistance or knowledge,you can now count on us to help. Kisses!"
Curtis and Belinda
Now, for those of you who do not know, I am part of an online BDSM & Fetish world. The people on their are truly amazing! Most people would be like, "Whatever, it's just porn.." But that's the thing, it's not porn.. Not to 90% of the people on there.. It's a way of expressing yourself without being criticized by the cruelty of the world. I do love it, very much. Mostly because I like learning about people... But, being able to be who I am, the way I am... Openly.. It's, it simply amazing!
I just really wanted to thank everyone on there for helping me become more comfortable with myself! I really do love you guys!!
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