"A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step." ~ TAO-TZU
Sooo.... As you can all see, WE DID IT!!!
This is Mrs Stovers PM/AM Graduating Clinical Class!!!
Tuesday, May 29th, 2012
After a hard year of work, our class finally made it! :) All of us.
Starting from the bottom left, working our way right and up we have;
Sarah Cain: My best friend, and a truly beautiful person. (The other adult student this year)
Brittany Yost: We had our problems, but she is a very optimistic young lady.
Brittany Davis: Brittany started mid year, and is very outspoken, but it will help her out tremendously in her life.
Lisa Elswick: When she started the school year, she was a very quiet young lady, but she grew to be a wonderful friend, and is pretty amazing once you get to know her.
Me, Kathryn Patton: (Nickname for the year, Kat P.) Left the school year as a part of NTHS, HOSA 2nd place winner, and graduated with a 3.75 GPA.
Marlee Bailey: God, the things I could say about Marlee!! :D She is a wonderful friend, and is a total class clown. But I love her, she's a great girl to hang out with and very outspoken, doesn't let anything stand in her way! I don't think I could have gotten through the school year without her!
Last, but not least,
Jami Vickers: She has the most beautiful head of hair, at the beginning I thought she was nothing but a goody too shoes! But, she's got her own corks! :) She lives a very full life, and is incredibly funny!!
These girls were a great inspiration to me this year and I think God for them.
When I started out the school year I was worried that I wouldn't make many friends, that I would sit in the front row and be a teachers pet, that no one would like me for it. But, coincidentally, I wasn't the only one! Sarah, who'm I met the first day, was also out to impress!!! She was so loud, and so funny that I couldn't help but cling to her as a mentor and a friend. She became like a second mother to me, that's something I needed. She showed me that life isn't about being what others expect you to be, it's about being who you want to be and letting yourself grow into what you were meant to be.
As I have said before, I am, from the bottom of my heart, grateful for each and every one of the girls in my class this year. Thank you all for opening your hearts to me.
I love you all, and I hope that everyone has a beautifully wonderful life ahead of them!
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