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I'm Kat, Please enjoy my blog, and leave me a lot of comments!!!!
If you have any questions or ideas for future blogs, comment me and tell me!! =) Thanks!!

"My body isn't perfect. I don't walk with confidence. I get into fights with my parents and friends. Some nights I'd rather be by myself than out partying. I cry over the smallest things sometimes. There are days that I get through forced smiles and fake laughs. Sometimes I try to convince myself that things are okay when they're not. I'm not ugly but I'm not beautiful. I don't look as good in real life as I do in pictures. There are some nights that I cry myself to sleep. I constantly think I'm not good enough. I'm imperfect, but I'm perfectly me."

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Some guys like brunettes... But they worship Redheads!
Blondes may have more fun... But Redheads are remembered!!!
Gentlemen may prefer blondes and brunettes... But it takes a real man to handle a Redhead!!!!


The things that make me different, make me beautiful.

Freckles are clusters of concentrated menanin which are most often visible on people with a fair complexion. A freckle is also called an "Ephelis". Freckles do not have an increased number of melanin producing cells. This is in contrast to lentigines and moles. 

Freckes can be found on anyone no matter their genetic background; however, having freckles is genetic and is related to the presence of the dominant melanocortin-1 receptor MC1R gene variant. The formation of freckles is triggered by exposure to sunlight. The exposure to UV-B radiation activates melanocytes to increase melanin production which can cause freckles to become darker. Freckles are predominantly found on the face, although they may appear on any skin exposed to the sun, such as the shoulders. Freckles are rare on infants, and more commonly found on children before puberty. Upon exposure to the sun, freckles will reappear  if they have been altered with creams or lasers and not protected from the sun, but do fade with age in some cases. They can aslo be treated with citric acid. Freckles are not a skin disorder, but people with freckles generally have a lower concentration of  photoprotective melanin and are therefore more susceptible to the harmful effects of UV-radiation. It is suggested that they avoid overexposure and use sunscreen. 

Ephelides is a genetic trait. It is used to describe a freckle which is flat, light brown or red, and fades in the winter. Ephelides are more common in those with light complexions, although they ae found in people with a variety of skin tones. The regular use of sunblock can inhibit their development. Liver spots (also known as sun spots and lentigines) are freckles that may not fade in the winter. Rather, they form after yeras of exposure to the sun. Lentigines are more common in older people. 

Friday, September 30, 2011

St Judes Children's Hospital


Will's Story

Little Will has been battling cancer for most of his young life. 
When he was 7 months old, Will fell out of his car seat.  His parents took him to their local emergency room, and as a precaution, doctors performed a CT scan. What that scan revealed sent shock waves through this family—there was a mass growing on their baby’s brain.
His parents didn’t know what to think or do. His mom remembered, “We were completely devastated. We thought, ‘Our baby has a brain tumor. Number one, we can’t do anything about it, and number two, he might die.’”
Will was diagnosed with an optic pathway glioma, which is a dangerous tumor that grows on the pathway connecting the eyes to the brain. Doctors operated immediately to remove as much of the tumor as possible, and then referred Will to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital hoping to save his life.
While At St. Jude's

At St. Jude, doctors placed the baby on a protocol of chemotherapy and did routine scans to monitor the tumor. Sadly, after finishing treatment, an MRI revealed that the tumor was growing back. “We felt like we’d been kicked in the stomach,” said Will’s mom.
St. Jude staff redoubled their efforts to save this little boy and performed a second operation and placed him on a three-year chemotherapy protocol.  Will’s mom said, “This will be a lifetime medical issue for Will, but we’ll always have St. Jude.”
Thanks to friends like you, St. Jude offers hope for survival to children like Will. That fact is a great comfort to Will’s family. His mom said, “Everyone at St. Jude genuinely cares about my child—they are here for one common goal: to help my child get better, and the next child and the next.” 
Thank you for sharing in this goal of finding cures and saving children, and with your help, St. Jude will never stop fighting for children like Will.

September 2010 Update

Will continues to receive chemotherapy, and he's feeling well. He loves playing with his friends at daycare.

A childhood optic pathway tumor occurs along the nerve that sends messages from the eye to the brain (the optic nerve). These tumors may grow rapidly or slowly, depending on the grade of the tumor. More than 75 percent of these tumors occur during the first decade of life. Most are diagnosed in children 5 or younger.

  • Incidence
  1. Optic pathway tumors constitute up to 5 percent of primary central nervous system tumors in children.

  • Influencing Factors: 

  1.  An association with neurofibromatosis is present in 50-70 percent of patients with isolated optic nerve tumors and        in 16-20 percent of patients with chiasmal or deeper optic tract tumors.

  • Clinical Features and Symptoms: 

  1. Signs and symptoms depend on the specific location of the tumor and the age of the patient. Young children usually don’t complain of the slow and progressive visual loss that is characteristic of these tumors. Children younger than 3 are usually taken to the doctor because of obvious developmental delays. Infants display head tilt, head bobbing, and nystamus (oscillation of the eyeballs.) Growth and endocrine disturbances can also be symptoms of optic pathway tumors.

  • Survival Rates: 

  1. Greatest risk is loss of vision in one or both eyes, but overall, survival is near 90 percent.

Monday, September 26, 2011


"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength."

I'm headed to bed for the night my beautiful loves. 
I want to once again thank all of you wonderful souls for being there for me when no one else would. I can't think you enough for what you all have done.

Goodnight, my loves <3

Getting Real

 My friends. The memories. The nights that lasted forever and the days that went by so slowly. The nights that will replay in our heads all throughout high school as our best night ever. The boys that we've kissed. The boys that have broke our hearts with the promises they never kept. The alcohol that we drank all too quickly on nights that everything seemed to be going wrong. The other girls that hated us for being "perfect" and envied the life we led. So heres to you guys... the friends that have stayed by my side when I didn't know who I was.. The friends that I would never trade for anything because -- You guys are my life.

God, It's been long! haha :) I have been so busy! School is taking up so much of my time, well Tony takes up quite a bit of my time now as well :)
As you all know I have been studying Health Occupations at the PCTC here in WV. 
That has gone very well. I love it. I didn't really think I would enjoy it much because I didn't really know anyone when I came back to school but I fit in rather well.. Surprisingly. Lol. 

This past month has been such an eye opener.
I realize now that I have so many people that are here for me and ready to stick by me no matter what is going on. The love of these people has kept me going. No matter how tough it has been, they have always been there. Crying has been something I seem to do a lot of lately.. Just with the entire ex boyfriend thing and some family issues.. (not to mention my grandmother being sick).

I don't really have much information for everyone right now, and I am sorry that I slack so much lately. I will have to start taking my computer to school to blog while in class.... (hehehe wouldn't Mrs Stover kill me!) I do need to give you all details about what's been going on in my life lately.. 
I do love you guys, and I miss all of your little emails and comments.

Have a supertastic night! :D

Saturday, August 20, 2011





I am beautiful
Not only because of the curve of my hips
Or the shape of my body
Not only because of the fullness of my lips 
Or the curl of my eye lashes

I am beautiful because I want to be
I am beautiful because God made me that way
I am beautiful because in my eyes 
There is no one more beautiful than me

I am beautiful because I have a heart
And that is a beautiful thing
I am beautiful because I have a brain 
And that is a beautiful thing
I am beautiful because I give advice 
And that is a beautiful thing

I am beautiful because I want to be
I am beautiful because God made me that way
I am beautiful because in my eyes
There is no one more beautiful than me

I am beautiful because I have confidence
I am beautiful because I have determination and wit
I am beautiful because I have goals and I plan to reach them
I am beautiful because I am always there to lend a helping hand

I am beautiful because I want to be
I am beautiful because God made me that way
I am beautiful because in my eyes
There is no one more beautiful than me

Each and everyone of you are beautiful. I have seen the beauty behind your rage, your anger, and your fears. Embrace who you are. It's something no one else can be.

I love you guys, have a great weekend!

Sunday, July 31, 2011


As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.

God, I'm already slacking in blog posts.. Anyways. Hia Everyone!! <3 Hope everyone had a great day/night. My day wasn't so great. A lot of pressure behind my eye, ear is ringing and I have a headache from hell.. But like always, I pushed through it and tried to have a good day. Went to see my grandmother Darlene today. She's still not doing to well. Her Alzheimer's is getting worse, she almost doesn't remember who I am.. Well, she remembers me when we are face to face, but not when we aren't together. When I look back and remember what it was like having a great grandmother that didn't know who you were, and knowing that's what Michael is going to have to go through, it hurts... But, enough with the Sob Story!!! 

Made it to lvl 33 today on my Shaman! :D I know, everyone, be happy!! haha. We had a good time on vent though, Dayne is starting to talk to me a little more now. I'm glad for that. I don't think he was enjoying my heals today though, and I don't blame him.. Heal Bot broke on me >.< So I wasn't healing to well on anyone. David found it a little humorous though.... Lol. Adam is a new friend on there as well. I do not believe I have mentioned him in any of the posts. Adam is our tank. :) Great boy. Hopefully more leveling with the guys tomorrow!! :D

Still haven't heard from Daniel lately. I don't blame him, I did upset him pretty bad. But where one door closes, another opens. He will either forgive me, or he won't. That's a simple fact of life. I hope for Michael, though, that he does forgive me. We both knew it was coming to an end.. I just wasn't fighting it as hard as he was...

Well, I just stopped by to let you all know what I was up too. That's all for this post.. Lol. I know, it was short, sweet, and to the point. Lol. Love you guys!! <3

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Beautiful Ol' Me!

- Life is too short. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change. Love deeply and forgive quickly. Take chances. Give everything. And have no regrets. Life is too short to be unhappy. You have to take the good with the bad. Smile when you're sad. Love what you got, and always remember what you had. Always forgive but never forget, learn from your mistakes, but never regret. People change, and things go wrong, but always remember, Life Goes On!

I can't believe it's been so long since I have written an blog post. I am sure my followers will rejoice in some news in my life! Just wanted to give everyone a few updates, and let you all know that I AM NOW BACK TO BLOGGING!!!!! I lost my password for a while, it was very sad. Now that I have recovered it, I am ready to get back in the game. I have been writing a lot more lately, my head is full of ideas and songs. Poems are oozing out of me!!! Stories, like never before! I can't wait to write some of them down here for you all!! You are going to love them!!

I have also been playing a lot of W.o.W lately. Really having fun leveling the char's! I have a few new friends on there also! David, has to be my best friend of all on there! He's so great, and a joy to play with! He's always at his best, and is great at making people laugh! We have a lot of fun together. We are both a part of the guild  THE ELITE REPUBLIC on the Greymain realm. So, if you play wow, hit us up on there!! <3 We are a great guild, full of great men AND women!  I'm big on PVP! I love it, makes me smile every time. Dungeons aren't so bad, but just not my kinda thing. I like going against other people and kicking there butts!!

I am also single now, I failed to mention that part. Daniel and I are no longer together. LOL. It happens though I guess. I promise this time not to do any soppy -I love you- or -I'm so sorry- posts this time. It's just not worth it. But I am rather proud of him for sticking to this National Guard thing. It's doing him a load of good. He likes it too, he has made many new friends. He needed this, he really did. So I am happy for him.

Michael, is doing AMAZING!!!! He's running everywhere, but wants to be with me at all times! <3 He's so smart. And his vocal skills, they are so great for a little guy his age! He loves to point his finger at people and say "No, No!" It's adorable! For some reason he has become obsessed with motorcycles lately, mostly because my best friend Mikey bought one not to far back, and lets Michael sit on it. Michael has even gotten into the habit of sitting on toy motorcycles it's very cute!! haha

Well, guys, that's just a few lines on how I have been, and how the things in my life have been! <3 I will do a post everyday! Just like I used to, promise! LOVE ALL OF YOU!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Finger Paint!

Love Who You Are, And Never Regret It!

Love Yourself The Way You Are!

All my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what it was.  I accepted their answers too, though they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory.  I was naïve.  I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I, could answer.  It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with:  that I am nobody but myself.
~Ralph Ellison, "Battle Royal"

Hello there everyone, I have had a lot of people ask me where I get my quotes for my posts. I have decided to share the website with you, because it's a great little place! Hope all of you enjoy it as much as I do!

Thanks for all the support guys!! :D

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!!
Sorry that this post was delayed, I have been very busy with my son.
My Valentines Day was amazing. Daniel took me out for some pizza. After that we came home and cuddled for hours! Watched some movies, and spent time with our son! =)

I love Daniel more than anything! He's great! God has truly blessed me with a wonderful life.

For Valentines Day, Daniel gave me $100 so that I could buy W.O.W. (World of Warcraft) and play it.
He also gave me the external hard drive that I wanted!!! It has all the great anime I like to watch on it!
Daniel is so great to me, I hope that one day, soon, I can show him as much love as he has shown me!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Me and My Boy!

Michael is 11 months old, and I can't believe it.
Every time I think of him, I remember the baby that I brought home.
I love his little hands, and his little feet.
But thoughts of him growing up, are haunting me. 

I love every moment I spend with him.
He has a kind soul, and a gentle heart.
His love is pure.

I want to be with him, every step of the way.
He has grown to be a very smart child.

Michael Loves To Dance And Sing.
We Dance ALL Day If We Can.
He loves spending time with mommy, But loves when daddy comes to visit.

I love my little Monkey. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Questions from followers. =)

Kathryn Dawn Patton AKA Kat

What was the happiest moment of your life? 
The happiest moment of my life was the day I saw my sons face.
The saddest day of my life was when Daniel and I broke our engagement. 

Who was the most important person in your life? 
My son is the most important person in my life, he's 10 months old, and looks like his daddy. He loves to smile and laugh like his mommy does. We enjoy spending time together, especially with his daddy!

Who has been the biggest influence on your life?
Daniel has influenced me the most.
What has he taught you?
Daniel taught me how to love who I am, how to embrace it. He showed me how to live after death. He proved to me that love dies exist and it's not for the rich. 

Who has been the kindest to you in your life?
Again, my answer would have to be Daniel.

What is your earliest memory?
My earliest memory is being with my uncle, his wife, and her sister at a zoo. 

How would you like to be remembered?
I would like to be remembered as the girl that was always kind to everyone. I want people to remember that no matter how someone treated me, I was always there to listen to there problems. I want people to remember that I wasn't just a pretty face, I want them to remember that I overcame everything and that I cared. If I teach the world anything, I want them to learn from me that, Life may not be easy, but that doesn't mean you have to be cruel. Enjoy life, but don't regret not saving someone else. 

Do you have any regrets in your life?
No, I have no regrets. Life has brought many choices before me, many I wish, at the time, I had not made. But I love my life the way it is now. I wouldn't change one thing in my past. Regrets are for the week, for sad and lonely people. Never regret any decision you have ever made. Just push forward.

Where will you be in 10 years?
In 10 years, I hope to have 2 or 3 degrees. Maybe more. I see myself married, with a happy family, and a good career. 
20 years?
In 20 years i see myself almost 40, and that's scary!! 

How is your relationship with your parents?
Eh, my parents and I do not have the best relationship, but I do love them.

Thanks you guys for all the questions! Ask me anytime!
<3 <3 <3

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Favorite quotes that friends say!

 "Get your shit and get out!"
-Daniel (making fun of the walmart greeter.)

"Fat is sexy, fat is beautiful, I wish I was fat."

"They salt the roads like McDonalds french fries!"

"Kat, just up shut....."
-Bee (telling me to shut up)

More quotes from friends coming soon!!!!

Now a great thing I said to my mother
"Mom when can I get my lrivers dicence?!"
I meant to say "Mom when can I get my drivers licence?!" But It came out the other way haha, have a nice day everyone!!!! <3

Monday, January 17, 2011

Just a poem that I loved

This is a poem I found online, that touched my heart, it's about a women that lost her baby, before his or her time...... It is a beautiful poem. I will post the site later on in the comment box... 

They Say Love Is Blind

They say love is blind and you made this true.
I never got to place you in a outfit either pink or blue.
Never rocked you in my arms as you quietly slept.
Not one tear did i get to dry as you sadly wept.

I loved you none the less with all of my heart.
My world crashing down when we were torn apart.
I dream of you wrapped in a blanket of a white angel wing.
The lullaby you hear is the comfort I wanted to bring.

I still hold you everyday the only way i know how.
God doesn't take my love for you this much he does allow.
It is as stong as it would have been if I would have seen you.
After my journey in life is done I will carry my love through.

It will carry me straight to you, you will never be hard to find.
We will be together and I will hold the love that was blind.
Looking into eyes that are mine that show a soul I made.
I will place you upon my chest where you always should have laid.

They say love is blind and you made this come true.
I will place you in an outfit either pink or blue.
I will rock you in my arms as you quietly sleep.
I will dry your tears as you happily weep.

Christine R. Sinkel
Jan. 20, 2001

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Who is perfect?!

What is it going to take for you to believe me? Tell me and I will do it.... But changing the person I am I can't do, changing my stupid little actions, that's doable. Babe, you know i love you, but I can't wait forever. I have a life that I have to live. I have to take care of our son. I have to get my life in order. So, no, I can't wait forever. I probably won't ever be able to be with anyone else. You are my true love. I believe that more than anything. But I still can not wait. If you love me, you love me, if you don't, you don't. So you need to make up your mind. If you want me, we can work through this. "Love can conquer anything." So if you truly love me, you can let it go. 
Love is what has held us together this long. We have had our ups and we have had our downs. We always made it threw. Life will bring many surprises to the both of us. I just don't see myself moving past this. You have been more than amazing to me. You have spoiled me, trusted me, held me when I cried, and loved me at my worst. When you walked into my life, I was sick. But you held my hand the entire time. You loved me threw the toughest of time..... I love you.... but waiting just isn't something I am able to do at the moment. So make up your mind. Me or someone else?! 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I truly am sorry, and I do miss you!

No matter what it takes, I will prove to you that I can change. I love you. Please accept me =)

If nothing else, always know that I am here for you as a friend. 

Thank you for your love
Just know. I will fight until there is nothing in me left, to get you back, because you are the only one for me. You know it is true, I hurt you, but baby, one more chance is all i'm asking for. 

Let me show you that I love you more than life it'self. You are the only one for me, God made us to be together. I know that I am going to have to prove it, and I intend to, because I love you!

I always loved the way you would wrap your leg around mine to hold me down why you were tickeling me, but at the same time you were hugging me..... I always felt so close to you. 

Love makes us do stupid things, even makes us feel like we hate someone at times, when we truly love them more than we could ever have imagined. I realize that now, I just don't want it to be to late! 

To Daniel,

I can't take back what I did, I lied and that is something that I am going to have to live with my entire life. What I did is wrong, and I know that. Baby, I don't want to go threw life without you. I love you more than anything. You are the one I am supposed to be with, forever. I screwed up. Many Times. But, Baby I love you and only you. All I do is make mistakes and I have to work on that. I have to grow up, so that we can get past this. If you will allow us to get past this. I cant stand that I hurt you. I hate myself for it. I was scared. Scared that you didn't want me, so I wanted to show you, that I was not good enough. God, I'm so stupid. I'm not good enough for you, I never have been. You are such an amazing person, inside and out.

I never did forgive you, for the Rebekah thing, I didn't mean what I said. I don't care that any of that happened. I should have told you that sooner, instead I just kept talking about it. I was jealous and stupid. She is just so pretty!!! She's skinny. I'm Not. I know you loved my body before, before the baby. That is why I feel the way I do. I want to give you that body back, but the truth is, it will never be like that. 
I have so much growing up to do. And I will do it for you. I want to show you that I am serious. This is not another lie. I can't survive on my own without you. You are my other half, my missing piece. Twins separated in heaven. I love you, and have never found anyone more perfect. You are the one that I want to come home to, and I want you to come home to me. 

I cringe at the thought of you being with someone else. And the same for me. 
I should have told you the truth, so I will start now. I will tell you everything about me. Because I know you already know it. Because you know me better then I know myself.

Facts about me:
1.) I love when you call me Kay-kay!!
2.) I love to cuddle.
3.) I don't like my hair, but I know you do.
4.) I like to watch you sleep, you look like an angel. (I'm a creeper!!) 
5.) Every time I look at you, my heart beats faster.
6.) Your touch is always seductive. 
7.) You changed my life, and gave me something to live for.
8.) I'm happy when I'm with you.
9.) Your kiss always makes me melt.
10.) I do want to marry you, and I'm sorry I said I didn't.

There are many more things about you that I love. So many more truths for me to tell you. If you are interested message me. I will let you in on some secrets. Secrets that I should have told you long ago. 
I love you Daniel. And I understand if you never forgive me. But Please, do not give up on me. I can change, and I will. I promise you that. I want to make things right, because your love is what keeps me going. It's what i thrive on. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

BoDy ArT

 Body Art!

Body are it art made on, with, or consisting of, the human body. The most common forms of body are are tattoos and body piercings, the other types including scarification, branding, scalpel-ling, shaping, full body tattoo and body painting. 
More extreme body are can involve things such as mutilation or pushing the body to it's physical limits. 
Body art is also a low category of performance art, in which artists use or abuse their own body to make their particular statements.

Body Painting
Body painting is a form of body art. Unlike tattoo and other forms of body art, painting is temporary, lasts for several hours or at most a couple of weeks. Body painting that is limited to the face is knowns as face painting. Large scale or full-body painting is more commonly referred to as  body panting, while smaller or more detailed work is generally referred to as temporary tattoos.

Most of this Post was taken from Wiki. 

Body art is a very curious thing, that takes a talented eye, and a sharp hand. It's not as easy as painting on a canvas. Please, take time to look into this beautiful art. 
It will surprise you!! =)

What Does Your Favorite Color Represent?


Blue is calming. It can be strong and steadfast or light and friendly. 
Almost everyone likes some shade of the color. 


Red is hot. It's a strong color that conjures up a range of seemingly 
conflicting emotions from passionate love to violence and warfare. Red is Cupid and the Devil.


Purple is royalty. A mysterious color, purple is associated with both nobility and spirituality. 
The opposites of hot red and cool blue combine to create this intriguing color.


Green is life. Abundant in nature, green signifies growth, renewal, health, and environment. 
On the flip side, green is jealousy or envy and inexperience.


Considered the negation of color, black is conservative, goes well with almost any color except the very dark.
It also has conflicting connotations. It can be serious and conventional. The color black can also be mysterious, sexy, and sophisticated.


White is purity, cleanliness, and innocence. 
Like black, white goes well with almost any color.


Yellow is sunshine. It is a warm color that, like red, has conflicting symbolism. 
On the one hand it denotes happiness and joy 
but one the other hand yellow is the color of cowardice and deceit.


Pink is a softer, less violent red. Pink is the sweet side of red. 
It's cotton candy and bubble gum and babies, especially little girls.

Well that's all for this post, just some random information, and some beautiful roses!!
I am sorry that I have not written for a few days.
I have not felt up to it. 

I love you guy!