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I'm Kat, Please enjoy my blog, and leave me a lot of comments!!!!
If you have any questions or ideas for future blogs, comment me and tell me!! =) Thanks!!

"My body isn't perfect. I don't walk with confidence. I get into fights with my parents and friends. Some nights I'd rather be by myself than out partying. I cry over the smallest things sometimes. There are days that I get through forced smiles and fake laughs. Sometimes I try to convince myself that things are okay when they're not. I'm not ugly but I'm not beautiful. I don't look as good in real life as I do in pictures. There are some nights that I cry myself to sleep. I constantly think I'm not good enough. I'm imperfect, but I'm perfectly me."

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Poem of the Day #1

Hello Everyone, I decided that I am going to start doing poems of the day.
I'll be attaching the links at the bottom of every post so that you can find your own inspiring poems, hope everyone enjoys! :)
Have a wonderful day everyone!! <3 

Within Me

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sex.. When it's good, it's really good. When it's bad, it's still pretty good!

Well, today I was talking on the phone with Adam and got a pretty good idea for my newest blog post. I decided, hey, lets talk about what I know the most about! SEX!! :) I figured I would give you the pro's and cons... Not to mention I really never give anyone my honest opinion on it. Well, not in a while I haven't.

There are 3 main factors I am going to give you on why sex is good for you! :) There are more pro's to sex, than con's by the way.

  1. Sex Relieves Stress:
    1. A big health benefit of sex is lower blood pressure and overall stress reduction. According to reserachers from Scotland who reported their fidings in the journal Biological Psychology. they studied 24 women and 22 men who kept records of their sexual activity. Then the researcherws subjected them to stressful situations, such as speaking in public and doing verbal arithmetic, and noted their blod pressure response to stress.
    2. Those who had intercourse had better responses to stress than those who engaged in other sexual behaviors or abstained.
    3. Another study published in the same journal found that frequent intercours was associated with lower diastolic blood pressure in cohabiting participants. Yet other research found a link between partner hugs and lower blood pressure in women.
  2. Sex Boosts Immunity
    1. Good sexual health may mean better physical health. Having sex once or twice a week has been linked with higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A or lgA which can protect you from getting colds and other infections. Scientists at Wilkes Univercity in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., took samples of saliva, which contain lgA, from 112 college students who reported the frequencey of sex they had.
    2. Those in the "freaquent" group, once or twice a week, had higher levels of lgA than those in the other three groups, who reported being abstinent, having sex less than once a week, or having it very often, three or more times weekly.
  3. Sex Burns Calories
    1. Thirty minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more. It may not sounds like much, but it adds up: 42 half hour sessions will burn 3,570 callories, more than enough to lose a pound. Doubling up, you could drop that pound in 21 hour-long sessions.
    2. "Sex is a great mode of exercies." says Patti Britton, PhD, a Los Angeles sexologist and president of American Association of Sexuality Educators and Therapists. It takes work, from both a physical and psychological perspective, to do it well, she says.